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Execut SOQL and get results.

public inherited sharing class AccountSelector implements SOQL.Selector {

public static SOQL query {
return SOQL.of(Account.SObjectType)
.with(new List<SObjectField>{

public with sharing class MyController {

public static Account getAccountById(Id accountId) {
return (Account) AccountSelector.query()

public static List<Account> getAccountsByIds(List<Id> accountIds) {
return AccountSelector.query()

public static List<AggregateResult> getUniqueAccountNameAmount() {
return AccountSelector.query()
.count(Account.Name, 'names')

public static Integer countAccounts() {
return AccountSelector.query()

public static Map<Id, SObject> getAccountMap() {
return AccountSelector.query()

public static Database.QueryLocator getAccountQueryLocator() {
return AccountSelector.query()